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Jillian Michaels Body Revolution First Impressions

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution First Impressions

As soon as I announce to the world that I’ve started (and am loving) a new fitness program, the universe slams me with a cold! No worries though, my resolve is stronger this time. Plus my 12 hour meth cold meds make me super woman…cold or no cold.

So I started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I love it! I had to try it because I kept recommending it after watching the infomercial. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about p90x, and I’d been telling people to try this instead because it looked promising. But what kind of blogger does that without trying it first? So I sucked it up and bought it on Amazon.

So far it’s tough, but doable. And I get stronger with every workout. JM is amazing. She’s such a wise ass AND a hard ass. It’s the perfect combo if you ask me. I’ve struggled in the past with other video programs mainly because the person leading the workout was not inspiring or motivating (cough…slimin6…cough). In fact, some of the moves in the first week are the same as other videos – but I’ve never been able to really do them. For some reason, with JM, I can power through. This is especially true with Donkey Kicks (not a euphemism for a dirty sex act, I swear. I googled it for you in case you don’t believe me). I typically LOATH doing these. But for some reason I can do them all day now. all day son!

So I’m still in Week 2. But the premise is simple. 3 different workout that rotate for two weeks at a time. Just long enough to conquer and learn to love the pain, not long enough to dread the workout. 4 light lifting type workouts (with cardio intervals) and 2 cardio sessions a week. I wasn’t in love with the cardio, but I am in love with the idea of it. It’s a circuit of 10 moves that you do for a minute each. When I used to work with a trainer she used to cut through my whining with “you can do anything for 1 minute”. Its true. You can.

The best part about this series? 30 minute workouts. It’s such an easy mental hurdle. You can squeeze 30 minutes in no problem!

Wrap up work and got a 1/2 hour before you have to get the kid from daycare? Boom! Workout done!
A whole hour free at lunch? Blamo! Workout done!

Plus it makes me think the next series of workouts will certainly be different. in some programs (cough – slim in 6 again – cough) the phase 2 workouts were just the same moves, but longer and slightly more of them. No thanks. I didn’t buy all your freakin’ videos for them all to be the same! JM seems to sadistic to just give us more of the same. I think she’ll have new and terrifying ways to get me in shape in the weeks to come. In fact, she threatens prepares you for this during the first few sessions.

Overall. I’m loving the program. I even was able to power through a workout while sick as a dog but hopped up on Sudafed D. I did have to skip a day this week though, because Baby Drama was nice enough to bring home a stomach bug from daycare. I was willing to power through a head cold and cough, but a few sets of squats is mega dangerous if you’re dealing this kind of sick. I wish I was closer to goal so I could say the best line from Devil Wears Prada (“I’m one stomach flu away from my goal weight”).

But I’m OK with missing days here and there. I used to feel like I hadto finish the program as intended. 90 days or bust! But I’m taking a more mellow approach this time. If it takes me 100 days to finish, I’m fine. If I need a rest day because I can’t breathe or want to avoid pooping my pants, I’m OK with that. I’ll just pick back up the next day. No problem, right?

Results so far? That’s what you want to know right? Well, I didn’t do the kickstart (which is really just eating super lean, clean, and low carb for a week while doing 2 workouts a day…maybe later). I actually haven’t moved the scale drastically. In fact, I won’t hit the 5 pounds for this month. But it’s ok. My body feels and looks different already. My hubs mentioned it a few times within the first week that I was looking slimmer. In fact, I’m almost totally down a pant size. It’s really a great program. JM doesn’t mess around!

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About The Author

Freelance Writer

Diet Drama is a health & wellness blog about my adventures in weight loss. I review products, workouts, and diet plans. Follow my journey as I try to drop pounds and live a healthier life. In this latest chapter, I'm a new mom trying to lose the terrifying baby weight. Getting back on track is proving to be a huge challenge! I've also had a slew of non-diet challenges to content with - living the cycle of love, life, and loss in a very short amount of time. Offline, I am a freelance writer (for hire!), marketer, and new mom trying to figure out how it all works together in my new life. I am open to doing product reviews, guest articles (my site or yours), and anything else someone wants me to try.

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